Sunday, February 27, 2011


Ask courage what a cowardly dog he is,
why he crouches when i approach,
gives that secret smile
when he wants me to touch.
not speaking a single word
just smilling with every word
all the way to my heart.

what a coward he is,
granting my every wish.
risking my whims to get that kiss.
licking my wounds
yet making me stoop- down
to his level
i, his master and he…

the coward he is
majestic in his stride,
though slave by my side
confident in his cowardise
his dance to break the ice
elegant, smooth…well,…
thats my price.

the coward!
for loyalty he gains his name
he, the source of my courage
to love.
he is a coward, for he is
in love.
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